News |
Le Pendu v3.10: more information...
The new release of "le jeu du Pendu" is available !.
Customizable sounds and gallow pictures.
Network game.
New dictionnaries.
Interface in 7 langages (help files only in French and English).
Download the standard release (13.9 Mo) or the full release (38.9 Mo).
100 000 visitors !!
Thanks to all of you for beeing more than 100 000 peoples to visit our site !
In the early 2000 (the beginning of this new web site), we could not think that so many people would have visit our Web !
Information |
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If you want to know what is told in medias, please visit the Press review page. |
We need you ! |
You could help us in making dictionaries (by themes, language, etc...)
for 'le Pendu', and allow us to distribute.
Register |
If you want to register to one or more of our products, please click on the following link to access to the securised online registering service.
Actuality |
La ligne magique: (available in french only)
A new release is under development.
Don't hesitate to visit us again or subscribe to our mailing list to have more information.
Tips and tricks |
Le Pendu:
You could modify the dictionaries (files with .dat extension) by using the CreateIndex utility,
or by opening them in a text editor (such as the notepad of Windows)
Contacts |
You have remarks, suggestions for improvement ?
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